Featured Products

Herman Dune Quarter-Century Shirt

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Girl Ringer Tee (Hermione Style)

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Herman Düne Tee-Shirt (Deluxe Made in USA🇺🇸) Raspberry Red on Limestone

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Herman Düne Tee-Shirt (Deluxe Made In USA 🇺🇸) Forest Green on Green

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Herman Düne Tee-Shirt (Deluxe Made In USA 🇺🇸) Electric Blue on White

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Herman Düne Beanie

On sale
Herman Düne Tote Bag (LP 🎵 Size) Electric Blue on Off-White

Giant Bumper Sticker

The Portable Herman Düne, Vol.3 (Heavy-Weight Black LP)

The Portable Herman Düne, Vol.3 (Ltd Blue 🐳 LP)

The Portable Herman Düne, Vol.2 (LP)

The Portable Herman Dune , Vol.2 CD

Sold out
The Portable Herman Düne, Vol.2 (Ltd 🍊 Orange LP)

The Portable Herman Düne, Vol.1 (Black LP)

The portable Herman Dune CD

Notes from Vinegar Hill LP (Black Vinyl)

Notes From Vinegar Hill (LTD Yellow 🍋 Vinyl)

Notes From Vinegar Hill CD (US pressing)

Limited: NFVH The Cassette Tapes!

Santa Cruz Gold (Millennial Pink 🌷Vinyl)

Santa Cruz Gold (Black Vinyl)

Santa Cruz Gold 2XCD

Santa Cruz Gold CD

Herman Dune - Sweet Thursday (Deluxe LP)

Herman Dune - Sweet Thursday (Deluxe K7)

Original Art

The Last American Sofubi (Art Toy - Soft Vinyl)

Darth Yayathon Man (Art Toy - Soft Vinyl)

Yayathon Man (Anthology Vol.1)

Yayathon Man ANTHOLOGY Vol. II

SCR Pint Glass (16oz Beercan Shape)